Our Return Policy

We have received several inquiries, most asking whether it is possible to try on an item and return if they are unsatisfied.

We want to reassure you that we offer a convenient return policy, allowing free returns or exchanges within 30 days from the date you received your item(s). We encourage you to try on the item(s) and see how great they look on you. However, if you are unsatisfied with the item(s), please return them to us with care. Please make sure that the items are unwashed, unaltered, and in their original packaging.

Please take note that the original shipping cost and shipping insurance are non-refundable.


How do I return or exchange any item?

If you need to return or exchange an item, follow these simple steps:

Step 1Email us at contact@joiefit.com with your name, order number, and the email address you used when you placed the order. Please be patient; we'll respond as soon as we can.

Step 2Put the items you want to return or exchange into their original packaging. Make sure they have not been washed or altered.

Step 3Take your package to a certified shipping carrier and get a receipt and tracking code. This will let us know that your items are returning to us.

Step 4Once we receive your package, we'll process your refund or exchange and send out any new items you've requested.


When can I get a refund and exchange items?

Once your return is received, a refund or exchange will proceed immediately. This involves a thorough inspection of the returned item and verification of the return information provided.

If you wish to request a refund, the time it will take to process it depends on the payment method you used for your order. If you paid through PayPal, the refund process will take up to 3 business days. If you paid with a credit card, the refund process will take 7 to 14 business days.

If you prefer to exchange your item, we value your time and will ensure that it takes no more than 3 business days to arrange the shipment of the replacement item. Once the item is shipped, we will promptly send you an email to confirm the shipment and provide you with the tracking numbers.


Do I need to to pay for return shipping?

If you are wondering about shipping and returning policies, please note that they may vary depending on your location. 

If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email us at contact@joiefit.com. Our customer service team will reply during working hours.


Do you still have questions?

Send us an email: contact@joiefit.com
We will reply during:
Monday - Friday 8 AM - 6 PM EDT
Saturday - Sunday 4 PM - 6 PM EDT